* @import {GA4Singleton, PageViewEvent, UAEvent} from '../../index.d.ts'
import { buildScriptTags } from '../helpers/buildScriptTags'
import { mapEventKeys } from '../helpers/mapEventKeys'
import { GA4Singleton } from './GA4Singleton'
* @class GAController
* @desc Class required to manage google analytics 4
* @export
* @param {string} gaCode - Google Analytic 4 Measurement ID
* @param {string} [options={}] - Custom analytic config options
* @param {Array} gaCodes - Additional Measurement IDs
* @returns {GAController} GAController instance
export class GAController {
constructor(gaCode, config = {}, gaCodes = []) {
this.config = config
this.gaCode = gaCode
this.extraGaCodes = gaCodes || []
this.initialized = false
* Sets the singleton to initialized, and adds methods
* @memberof GAController
* @instance
* @function
* @private
* @returns {GA4Singleton} GA4Singleton instance
setSingleton = () => {
Object.assign(GA4Singleton, {
initialized: true,
pageView: this.pageView.bind(this),
uaEvent: this.uaEvent.bind(this),
event: this.event.bind(this),
gtag: this.gtag.bind(this),
return GA4Singleton
* Builds the google analytics scripts tags
* Then initializes and returns the GA4Singleton object
* @memberof GAController
* @instance
* @function
* @private
* @returns {Class} GAController instance
initialize = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
? reject(new Error('Google Analytics has already been initialized!'))
: buildScriptTags(this, resolve, reject)
* Shortcut helper so send a page view event
* @function
* @memberof GAController
* @instance
* @param {PageViewEvent} event
* @returns {*} Response from the global gtag method
pageView = ({ location = window.location, title = document.title }) => {
const event = mapEventKeys({ location, title }, 'PAGE_VIEW')
return this.gtag('event', 'page_view', event)
* Build a predefined event and send to gtag
* @function
* @memberof GAController
* @instance
* @param {UAEvent} event
* @returns {*} Response from the global gtag method
uaEvent = event => {
const { action, ...eventData } = event
const uaEvent = mapEventKeys(eventData, 'UA_EVENT_PROPS')
return this.gtag('event', action, uaEvent)
* Build event and send to gtag
* @function
* @memberof GAController
* @instance
* @param {string} name - What the event should be called
* @param {object} props - Key/values pairs of properties of the event
* @example
* event({
* name: 'Button Click',
* time: new Date(),
* user: 'anon',
* })
* @returns {*} Response from the global gtag method
event = (name, props) => {
// TODO: getting an odd error with typeof
// Can't use typeof name !== 'object' to validate the props
// Need to investigate
// Check if name is an object, which allows calling this method with just an object
if (typeof name !== 'string' && !props) {
props = name
name = props.name
delete props.name
// Validate the arguments are correct, else show a warning
if (!name || typeof name !== 'string')
return console.warn(
`Invalid event arguments. Action name and properties are required!`
return this.gtag('event', name, props)
* Direct access to ga
* @function
* @memberof GAController
* @instance
* @param {Object} args - Arguments for the global ga method
* @returns {*} Response from the global ga method
ga = (...args) => window.ga(...args)
* Direct access to gtag
* @function
* @memberof GAController
* @instance
* @param {Object} args - Arguments for the global gtag method
* @returns {*} Response from the global gtag method
gtag = (...args) => window.gtag(...args)
* Check if google analytics is initialized
* @function
* @memberof GAController
* @static
* @private
* @returns {boolean} - True if google analytics is initialized
GAController.isInitialized = () => {
return GA4Singleton.initialized
* Get RGA4 singleton instance if it's initialized
* @function
* @memberof GAController
* @private
* @static
* @param {boolean} showWarn - Show warning when singleton is not initialized
* @returns {Object} - GA4Singleton
GAController.getInstance = showWarn => {
return GAController.isInitialized()
? GA4Singleton
: showWarn && console.warn('Google Analytics is not initialized')